Ohto GS02 Ceramic Gel Pen (and more)
Today I picked up the new Ohto GS02 (GS02-G5-KK). This seems like quite a year for new pens and refills. Lots of new stuff from Uni, Tombow, and Ohto. The other week I went to my local stationery shop and they had this GS02, which made me curious. I was not a huge fan of the GS01 in terms of design, but it had a really unique click (very mechanical, and you can hear all the metal pieces moving into place) and a decent refill, so I was intrigued about the GS02 because it was much better looking. I didn't buy it right away, because there was no demo model at the shop to try it out - I went home and did a bit of research, and found that Ohto had introduced a new gel refill for it! It was also in the Parker G2 size (as with their former gel refills), which is very convenient. I decided I want to try it, and I looked online to see if I could get a better price, but it was sold out everywhere. So I called the shop and told them to put it on hold for me, and I came by to pick it up today...