Tramol Vac Filler - An inexpensive vac filler with a Bock nib

Introduction Tramol is a company that started off making inks in China. I never tried the inks but they seem reasonably popular. The company introduced a frosted eyedropper pen that looked very similar to an Opus 88 a few years ago, but continued to focus on the inks. After finding out that they just released a vac filler, I was interested. Quick Review I'm going to do this review in quick bullet points based on first impressions. The good: Feels like very high quality construction and materials Nice springy clip Good looks Smooth vac fill (one pump fills it halfway) Bock nib has an interesting finish (something between black and chrome) $35 price tag (plus shipping) Comfortable to old The rest: Cap doesn't post 2.5+ turns to unscrew the cap Nib is mediocre (but the #6 size should be easy to replace), has a dull feel Generic plastic feed In conclusion I don't have any regrets buying it. The pen is good value - they've managed to make a quality product at an affordable...